The world of Mobile App Development has exploded into a Mega Market and with that brings us a wide range of ‘Developer Related’ conferences from around the world. These things are happening on a grand scale virtually in every part of the world but there are some that have been going on for a while and draws big crowds. Today we want to check out a few of these.

NOTE: These are in no particular order or ranking system.

Virtual Insight Annual Mobile App Conference

Running now for its third consecutive year the “Virtual Insight” conference is targeted to Asian markets and will be held in India this year. The conference brings some of the biggest CEO’s within the industry discussing future projections, latest technologies and much more. If you frequent to India then potentially this is a conference you’d want to sign up to.

AppsWorld Conference in London

If you find yourself in London this November then you will want to hit the AppsWorld conference with an expected attendance of 12,000+ and 350 exhibitors. For those looking to network or learn, the conference hosts numerous workshops, speakers and much more. This is truly an exciting conference that is a Must See if you are into the App Development niche at all.

Sears Startup Dev Challenge

Not so much a conference as a competition we’ve decided to add in the Sears Dev Challenge where the winner will walk away with $50,000 US Dollars and potentially a contract with Sears and their millions of customers worldwide. This event is hosted in June 2014 in New York City. If you’re in the area or think you can walk away with the $50k, then do inscribe now. It’s in the beginning of June so better hurry up!

AppsWorld US

Similar to the Appsworld conference in London, this conference caters to the Americas however this year the event has already finished. Nonetheless we have decided to include this in the list since they do host this event annually and the website has all the information you need to know for the next event. You can even sign up to an email alert.


This July if you can make it to this event you simply must! This is almost like the Super Bowl of Mobile and Web Developer conferences. Covering issues from Color trends to the latest technology available to both iOS and Android developers, this is the show you must all be watching!


With Multiple venues per year the AnDevCon focuses exclusively on Android Developers and what tools they have at their disposal. Get a chance to rub shoulders with other big companies in the industry and find the inspiration you’re looking for to develop that next big hit!

This concludes our list for now however there are so many conferences out there that this should inspire you to search for a conference in your area. It really is a great idea to go to one of these because you get to find out what’s the next trend and that can be ‘make it or break it’ information.