That’s right. Google is releasing “L” which has plenty of amazing features in it. According to Google the new version of Android will absolutely revolutionise the game.

They call it “Material Design” which essentially turns your UI into a “3rd dimensional” effect. It will provide depth by adding Smart shadows that respond to the user’s interaction. So if you were to tap and slide something, the “pressure” of your movement will provide a unique effect on the UI.

While this is a small tweak in general the results are absolutely stunning. The content almost “Pops” out of the screen providing a very engaging user experience.

Another aspect of “L” that is pretty cool is the fact that you can access your messages and so forth from the ”Lock Screen”. In other words you won’t have to unlock to use your most valued apps.

Finally we’ll talk about “Personal Locking”. Essentially the device will use things like “Locations, Other devices and so forth” to indicate whether it’s in a “safe” zone. If it is in this “safe zone” or with the owner, the lock screen will not require passwords to open. However if the variables of the Safe zone changes, the Lock screen will prompt a pin making accessing your phone immensely easier and security much more thorough.