Comparison between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

As two of the most important DIY devices, Raspberry Pi and Arduino create a debate among the users. Both devices are good at sensing the world around them and responding to them. They both have plenty of add-ons to test light, humidity, temperature etc. Their use in education has proved very popular amongst students of all ages. These devices are used in schools and holiday tech camps for teaching teenagers and young children about coding and hardware. Belonging to the same community, users often assume similar functioning abilities. But the fact is that both are based on quite different ideas. Let us first look at them separately.

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi can be used as a traditional personal computer. It has all of the abilities of a fully functioning computer including memory, processor and graphics. It has its own operating system called Raspbian which  supports the Linux Operating System. Although the Pi has its own internal memory, SD cards can be used for extra memory. Its small size and the fact that all the components are visible to the user, makes it ideal for teaching. Many schools use the Raspberry Pi to teach youngsters about computers, coding and electronics. What’s more is that it has its own built-in programming interface for interacting with Minecraft. Young children find coding Python and interacting with their Minecraft world very rewarding.

Some specialised functions

  • The Raspberry Pi can be used to feed our fish. Through its amazing features, it makes keeping pets easier.
  • It can also be used to control the lights of a room.


Arduino does not require an operating system to run. It is basically a micro-controller that can be programmed according to the needs of the user. It can read the data from a sensor and can send it either to a computer or any output attached. Tech Camps for Teenagers use Arduino for teaching electronics to teens who are eager to create their own gadgets using their creativity. What makes Arduino ideal  as a learning tool is that it teaches youngsters not only about hardware and software but also the interaction between them.

Some specialised functions

  • Arduino can be used as a safety alarm to keep away intruders.
  • It can be used as an air-conditioning unit and combustion boiler.
  • It can also be used to create an Arduino-powered camera.

Raspberry Pi versus Arduino 

As previously mentioned, both the devices are for separate purpose.

As Raspberry Pi is a variation of the Linux operating system, most of its projects are software based such as software hack or graphics and sound multimedia. Whereas Arduino is used for quite different purposes. These purposes range from interactive art exhibitions to musical application and gaming softwares.

Choosing the best option will depend on various factors. It depends on the type of project you are undertaking and the experience you have. If you have experience in programming then you should use Arduino as it has plenty of tutorials. But if you are lacking in experience or components, you should use Raspberry Pi as it does not require any extra hardware addition. All you need is to just plug and play.

When to choose which

When the main task is getting the input from the sensors and changing values on output or other devices, Arduino will be the best choice. Also, it uses quite less power so if the task takes long processing, one should use Arduino.

And one should use the Raspberry Pi when the task would otherwise have been completed by a personal computer. The audio, video and internet features make it appropriate to make softwares with Raspberry Pi.