Entries by Bermotech

Stepping into the New Age of Beauty, Fashion, and Health

For those of you that have tried Loreal’s new Makeup Genius app, where you download an app that scans your face and allows you to try different makeup looks to see which one fits you most, one thing is for sure. There is something moving fast forward bringing us to a new era. Technology has joined […]


Apple October 16th Updates

What we should expect as Developers On October 16, Apple unleashed some new news on the world including a new OS, new hardware and much more. In order to keep our readers up to date on all things Apple, we have decided to summarise the events that occurred on the 16th. New Products Announced!  Apple […]

Mobile App Development Stages

Mobile Application Development Lifecycle This article discusses the Mobile Application Development lifecycle. Idea and Discovery Phase Before a mobile app developer can begin working on an app design, the client and Application Architect will write a detailed plan and product specification. This specification will inform the developer of their requirements and presentation, functionality requirements, etc. […]

Turning Children into App Gurus in a Week!

The future is filled with apps and smart devices that simplify our lives. The average smartphone user has roughly 25 active apps on their phones. Some of these apps are paid while others are free to download but the trends remain clear. People have become App-Dependent! At Bermotech, we understand that for those who know […]


Latest Apple announcements

This September Apple announced the latest iPhone and the Apple Watch and Apple Pay. All of these announcements will drastically revolutionise the way you approach app development. With the release of all this new hardware, software bundles and developer’s kits got an upgrade as well. What the new iPhone means for developers The iPhone 6 […]

A nice entry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, […]

‘Smart Device Apps’ are Revolutionising the World of Sports

Summer time is the season for sports and this year we had two major events happen; The FIFA World Cup and Wimbledon. Millions of people had their eyes glued to the screen watching the events unfold. While people cheer for their favorite athletes or teams, and while this might spark tension between fans, there is […]

The Rise of Teenage App Developers

The world of apps have taken humanity by storm. Millions of apps are being downloaded every year reaching numbers as high as 100 billion. While a vast majority of these apps are created by Independent developers and established firms, there is a new trend on the rise. Following are three examples of how we should […]

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Android “L” – cooler and faster than ever

That’s right. Google is releasing “L” which has plenty of amazing features in it. According to Google the new version of Android will absolutely revolutionise the game. They call it “Material Design” which essentially turns your UI into a “3rd dimensional” effect. It will provide depth by adding Smart shadows that respond to the user’s […]